Tag Archives: workout

PiYo: Sweat Review


Check out my YouTube review of the PiYo Sweat workout! It may end up being my fave…(lets see how many more times i say that within this program haha).
Let me know what you think!

Check out my Sweat Review!!!

Get Lean Eating Plan


For all of you doing, waiting to receive, or thinking about doing PiYo, one of the components of the program that comes with it for no additional cost is a “Get Lean Eating Plan.”
You will get results just doing the workouts, but you will accelerate those results and feel great if you use this eating plan along with it!
One thing I love about the plan is it doesnt tell you when or when it eat! You are free to choose your selection of foods based on a list from 5 food categories.

SO how do you know how much of what to eat?
Theres a little math here (I love math,
So anytime i get to calculate something, I’m all about it!)…just three steps and it gives you your Calorie Target.
Now, my Target they gave me is 1285…With all of the extra working out besides PiYo that i do, I didnt feel that was enough (They also say if your target is less than 1200, you need to round up to 12, because thats not healthy, and that this is an approximate amount-so dont be stressed about going a couple hundred cals over-PHEW, i love that they say this, because im not about starvation mode).
So if i had gone w my 1285, this put me in the 1200-1399 range for Plan A on the eating guide.
What the heck does that mean?

It means:
4 Servings of Primary Vegetables
2 Servings of Secondary Vegetables & Grains
2 Servings of Fresh Fruit
4 Servings of Lean Protein
3 Servings of Healthy Fats

(I just added another serving of lean protein bc i know my body…thats roughly 140 extra calories and i know my muscles need it ๐Ÿ˜‰ )
And then they give you long lists of things you can choose from for each category and the amount that equals one serving! I love it-all laid out nicely!

And coolest thing ever???!!!!
Shakeology is a versatile food! Meaning it can be counted as any of the following:
1.5 servings Seconday Veggies/Grains
2 servings Fresh Fruit
1 serving Lean Protein (<- The one i usually use it for!)


Upper Body Review

Hey guys!

I posted a short youtube video of my review of the Define: Upper Body workout!

It’s only about 20 minutes and gives you an awesome burn!!!
Lots of tricep pushups, ab work, BEAST! (Don’t know what that means-Watch the vid ๐Ÿ˜‰

Define: Upper Body

Order PiYo!!!

Define: Lower Body Review

So we started PiYo over again!
Here’s my personal account of the first workout after Align, Lower Body!!!

First of all, this workout is only about 20 minutes!!! You don’t even have time to quit, because its so time efficient!

Overall, its not an extremely difficult workout, I got a wonderful stretch and felt the strength working while moving through the dynamic moves.
Lots of warriors, downdogs, lunges, and variations on those exercises in this workout.
You will definitely feel it in those legs!

I think this workout delivers on starting the program out for everyone to find success. The beginner feels confident (and having Chalene work w the modifier in the video, as well, helps to show those modifications for anyone new to working out), and the more advanced exerciser gets a little sweat and a big stretch.

Questions on this workout? Comment below! ๐Ÿ™‚
Watch out for my reviews of the next workouts!!!


So back to updating you on whats in the PiYo At Home Program!

The next workout is called “Core.”
This workout is just 30 mins!!!
Focus on that powerhouse! You’ll work the abs, obliques, and back.
Strengthen and sculpt to get the awesome results you want!

Then there’s “Strength Intervals,” which is just 25 minutes!
Nonstop body sculpting, calorie burning exercises. No need for weights or equipment to give you those long lean muscles that PiYo does like no other!

And you’ll also get “Drench.”
One of the longer workouts, this is 45 mins of endurance! Maximize fat burning while working every single muscle in your body!
Sure to work up a killer sweat, Drench will rev that metabolism to really burn the fat!

Lastly, you’ll get “Sculpt.”
A 30 min workout utilizing varying tempos to keep your muscles under tension for differing amounts of time.
This type of training generates muscular endurance and metabolic changes to transform your body!

Actual review and my take on each workout to come!!!

Stay Accountable!


PiYo 60-Day Workout Calendar
I just touched the surface on this in my last post, however I think its an important message to share with people. It’s one of those things many of us experience, but few of us talk very openly about for fear of looking weak or being embarrassed.
In my last post I shared how I didn’t make it past DAY THREE of this new PiYo program I’ve started. I was even so excited for it that I started this blog entirely dedicated to this program. Not even that got me to stick with it through my busy weekend!

So how do you get past losing interest, losing motivation, GIVING UP?
I’m far from perfect, but here are some tips I’ve come up with through my personal fitness journey.

1) Know WHY you started in the first place. And make it about MORE than just the superficial.
Sure, you may want to lose 5 lbs, 4 inches from your waist, or build a more shapely booty, but that’s not going to happen overnight! Sorry!
You need a reason that will pull you through and get you to stick with it even on the days that you don’t see immediate change. Maybe you want to FEEL BETTER, have more energy, prove to yourself that you can finish a 60 day program, improve your flexibility and do a split, etc. Whatever it is, own your why!
Say it out loud! Tell other people WHY you started daily. This will make it more of a priority in your daily life even when you don’t see those immediate results.

2) Be Okay with giving up.
Wait…Say what?!
What I mean here is be OKAY with the fact that you took a break. Heck, even call it a break, never a failure. As long as you’re still alive and have the opportunity to start again, you can never REALLY fail! Once you’ve accepted the fact that things didn’t go as planned the first (or second, or third… ;D ) time, you can move on and get back to business stronger than when you first began! What good does beating yourself up over a bump in the road do? NONE!

3) Get an accountability partner!
You don’t have to do this alone! Find a friend who has similar goals and wants to start getting healthier/stronger/super sexy along with you ๐Ÿ˜‰ And if you don’t have a friend near you who wants to do that, get an online coach. There’s tons of us who do it for free (always feel free to ask me for more info on that, I LOVE helping people stay motivated and accountable to their goals). It’s easy to sleep in, go home early, or take a nap instead of working out when its just you, if you’re doing it with someone else or telling someone else about your workouts, you may find yourself less likely to skip them!
Some of us need to have someone to give them a kick in the ass sometimes! (No shame…I’m one of those people, as well!)

4) Change your outlook.
When I stopped looking at working out as a chore and something I did because I hated my body, everything changed! (Well…In some aspects, because I did just need to restart my PiYo program haha ;D )
Instead of a chore, it should be something you’re LUCKY that you’re able to do! You have the health to stand up straight, to bend over and pick something up off the ground, to lift a heavy bag of groceries. This is your health and you are fortunate enough to have it! As cheesy as it sounds, do this because it is a gift to your body! Be happy about working out, and if you arent having fun with your workouts, Get a NEW Workout! Spice it up and get moving!
Workout because you love your body, not because you hate it!

5) If you’re doing an at home program, just put in the DVD and see what happens!
Seriously, I’ve done this in the past! I remember sitting down on the couch, planning on taking a nap, but I made myself put the DVD in, sat back down, and within 1-2 minutes, guess what? I got my butt off the couch and got the workout done! And felt even more energized afterwards than I bet I would have had I taken a nap! The only workout you’ll regret is the one you don’t do!

6) Invest in gear that makes you feel good.
No, this doesn’t mean you need to go and spend $300 on a new lululemon outfit or $150 on a new pair of the latest sneakers. It means get clothes that make you feel good about yourself and excited to workout!
Shocker!!!!>>>This could be free!!!<<< I cut old tshirts alllll the time into workout shirts, and I get SO excited to wear them, especially if its a tee I haven’t worn in years!
You can also get killer deals at places like TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Old Navy, and Target or Kohls (they both have awesome coupon alerts!)
If you feel good or even excited about your workout clothes, you’re much more likely to put them on, and once you’re wearing them, the workout is a natural progression ๐Ÿ™‚

7) SEE your goals.
Write down those goals. Post a workout calendar in a place you’ll see it throughout the day, so it reminds you how important it is. And when you’ve done that days workout, put a big, satisfying X on that day to show you did it! How good does it feel to cross off things on a To-Do list, right?! This is the same idea!
Get it done and show off that you did it!
Put post-its with your goals and positive affirmation around your house, in your car, at your office to remind yourself that you can do this!!!

7) Suck it Up!
Sorry (not sorry ๐Ÿ˜‰ lol) about the honesty here, but I’m not going to sugarcoat it…somedays you just have to be willing to suck it up and get it done. Stop thinking about it, researching workouts, telling yourself how busy you are, making excuses because you’re sore or tired, viewing “fitspo” posts online, etc. BE that Fitspiration! Respect yourself enough to Stop wasting your time!

Now that I got those out, any suggestions you’ve found helpful in staying motivated? Comment and share!!!

Wow-Not a good start for me. :(

LET'S TALK PiYoยฎSo…You know how sometimes you get SO pumped up to start a new routine, and then it gets here and you let it fall to the side like you never cared about it in the first place?

Well shoot, I let life get in the way of my workout (All of these workouts are less than 1 hour…Meaning they’re less than 4% of your entire day). ย There should be no excuses for that!
I could go into how I’ve been busy with teaching classes and work and I took an entire day long PiYo cert one of the days, but I’m not going to ๐Ÿ˜‰

I’m going to admit that I lost momentum on DAY THREE!!! And I’ve got it back together now!
Start the calendar over with Yesterday being Day Two; Define-Lower Body (I’ll review that hotness lata), and today will be Day Three Define-Upper Body (which I’ll also review lata!). One suggestion: Actually display the calendar so you SEE it daily and it reminds you of what you need to work towards!

Have you ever had a setback that left you feeling less than accountable? Turn that attitude around and believe that you CAN finish and follow through!



Just completed Day 1 of PiYo!

This workout is called “Align: The Fundamentals.”
Now, being someone who has practiced PiYo in the gym setting for about 4 year and went through a PiYo instructor training-Hoping not to sound cocky-But I already know these fundamentals…HOWEVER, its always nice for a refresher of little things you forget, and Chalene is always so cute and entertaining, so anytime you’re doing any fitness work “with” her, its so enjoyable!

This dvd is only done on the first day of the program so that you can be successful in the actual workouts that follow. Chalene reminds you of a couple things I wanted to reinforce in this video.
1) This program can be made to work for anyone.
2) Dont just go through the motions-push yourself in every workout! I say this to my classes all the time…there should be a purpose for every move you make during your workout.

This workout tells you how to align your body through all of the frequently practiced exercises and poses in the PiYo program, from lunges, warrior, and planks to PiYo-only moves like the PiYo Flip and Kick Through!

The 40 mins fly by and you are filled with awesome info and tips to make the workouts to follow even more effective!

It’s here!!!!


PiYo just arrived!!!
And i was lucky enough to take a lunch break home today, so I got to get it right when it was delivered ๐Ÿ™‚

Tonight I’ll be sure to do the first dvd (Alignment) and share my take on it! So pumped to look through the eating plan and check everything out!

“Before pics” to come later as well!!!


The Fourth PiYo workout to find out more about is called SWEAT!

This is a 35 minute workout designed to make you do what? You guessed it! To make you sweat!
“But I thought there wasn’t any jumping or high impact exercises in PiYo?!”ย you may ask yourself.
You’re right! You can sweat without all that stuff!
The fast paced yoga makes your heart rate increase and leaves you with a dynamic conditioning and body weight resistance workout for your entire body!

I’m very much looking forward to this workout, as the “Power” sections in PiYo live are my favorite…They give you that burst of cardio without high impact…I’m anticipating something similar for this DVD, but who knows…Chalene might surprise me with something even better!
I’ll let you know when I review the workout for the first time ๐Ÿ™‚ (Counting down daily…PiYo program should arrive within the next few days!!!!)